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The Enhanced and Development of the Soil and Groundwater Management system

In order to maintain the operation and revision of the software and data of soil protection and ground water management information systems (hereinafter referred to as SGM), maintain the working assistance benefits of the system and collaborate with the maintenance and a few of the revisions of current systems, this year we completed the SGM account single sign-on procedural integration. Account permission was separated into two levels, primary and secondary, according to the corresponding identity groups. Different identities are given different levels of permission, and permission levels can be flexibly adjusted, in this way we can quickly and effectively complete account creation operations. Site information revision was changed to tab-mode operation which allows the user to quickly search for needed information according to the different site info and for the geographical location of the site to be shown on screen. We extended the development of the soil and water report management and technician certification system and completed an overhaul of the soil and groundwater external website to enhance its information management and service functions. We added a well-monitoring column and other corresponding system functions to the well-monitoring management system. We also added a historical records chart of measurement data according to the needs of administration procedures to improve the effectiveness of well-monitoring efforts. The technician certification history file repository can produce a list of technicians in good standing as well as a list of those who have previously been punished. The file repository can also allow one to see how the number of soil and groundwater certificates that each technician has, significantly shortening the search process. We have already completed the correction of 30 faulty links on Chinese and English pages of the soil and water network, including 3 instances of web pages timing out. We will continue to perform necessary inspection and revision on outdated links and webpage content. We will continue to assist all of the soil and groundwater information reporting and import operation projects and also provide GIS main computer soil and ground water info node management service. This year we reorganized the file room and found 910 duplicate books. In September the duplicate books were sent to be destroyed which resulted in a 10% increase of space in the file room. Starting in April we have added 450 more books bringing the total books in the file room to 6,595. We have carried out 4 systems operations learning seminars for new and veteran personnel, a total of 121 people participated in those seminars. This plan uses Google’s user analytical function to understand the users and their situations. As opposed to a majority of users who use Internet Explorer to perform systems operations, the industrial area search system as well as the site function operations of the site and plan management system are the most widely used system functions.
Soil, Groundwater, Information System for Soil and Groundwater Conaminated Sites